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Stop! Attic Time: Converting Your Unused Upmost Floor

You can, and should, touch this project. Converting your attic into something other than a gathering place for dust and nostalgia will add value to your home. Not only will you be expanding the amount of livable space in your house, but attic conversions also increase the ROI on your house at resale. You’re likely to recoup around 73% of your investment, and you’ve got a new, unique space to suit your needs without having to add on to the actual house (which is nice if you can do it, but always costs more than a room conversion). Here are a few tips to remember before breaking ground, as well as a few ideas for what to do with this promising new space.

Consider This

What are you thinking of using this new space for; an office? Guest bedroom? Play loft for the kids? Bathroom? Reading room? The possibilities might be endless, but there are some basics you need nailed down first before you commit to anything.

Accessibility: How easy is it to get to your attic currently? If all you’ve got is a pulldown ladder, then it’s not a deal breaker, but you will have to account for adding an entrance. This may also help you decide what’s the best use for the space for you and anyone who might use it.

Solid Foundation: Chances are your attic wasn’t built for sustaining the weight of large furniture pieces, a bathtub, and lots of humans. Reinforcing your attic will be vital to a successful attic conversion. 

The Rule of 7s: Building codes exist. Whether or not they actually get enforced is one thing. But while you’re chatting with your contractor about converting your attic, it’s best to follow the simple Rule of 7s. Your room must be at least 7 feet high, 7 feet wide, and 70 square feet. Exact codes may vary from city to city. Check with your city to be certain. 


After you’ve checked these three things off your list you can start getting more specific with your room needs. At the very least, you’re going to need proper insulation, a ceiling to close that off, flooring, and temperature control. If you’re going the bathroom route, you need plumbing and ventilation. An office will most definitely need access to WiFi. The more specific you get with your intended room, the more specific the requirements you’ll need. 

Sparking Inspiration

However you choose to convert your attic, there’s one thing that will make a dramatic difference in the look and feel of your new space: natural light. Typically, attics don’t come already brimming with windows. I mean, windows are just another way for heat to get in and air to get out. But if you’re inhabiting the space, having that natural light source will keep you from feeling claustrophobic and closed off. You can install windows or skylights to achieve this beautiful aesthetic, your choice. Just don’t neglect this feature.

So what will you do with your attic?